Dominion Multi-Game Picker - Game Display

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Base: Adventurer, Bureaucrat, Festival, Gardens, Laboratory, Market, Moat, Spy, Witch, Woodcutter.

Adventurer Bureaucrat Festival Gardens Laboratory Market Moat Spy Witch Woodcutter

Name Expansion Type Cost Text
Adventurer Base Action 6 Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal 2 Treasure cards. Put those Treasure cards into your hand and discard the other revealed cards.
Bureaucrat Base Action - Attack 4 Gain a Silver onto your deck. Each other player reveals a Victory card from their hand and puts it onto their deck (or reveals a hand with no Victory cards).
Festival Base Action 5 +2 Actions
+1 Buy
+2 Coins
Gardens Base Victory 4 Worth 1 Victory Point for every 10 cards you have (rounded down).
Laboratory Base Action 5 +2 Cards
+1 Action
Market Base Action 5 +1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
+1 Coin
Moat Base Action - Reaction 2 +2 Cards
When another player plays an Attack card, you may first reveal this from your hand, to be unaffected by it.
Spy Base Action - Attack 4 +1 Card
+1 Action

Each player (including you) reveals the top card of his deck and either discards it or puts it back, your choice.
Witch Base Action - Attack 5 +2 Cards
Each other player gains a Curse.
Woodcutter Base Action 3 +1 Buy
+2 Coins
Base: Artisan, Cellar, Chapel, Council Room, Militia, Remodel, Sentry, Throne Room, Village, Workshop.

Artisan Cellar Chapel Council Room Militia Remodel Sentry Throne Room Village Workshop

Name Expansion Type Cost Text
Artisan Base Action 6 Gain a card to your hand costing up to 5 Coins.
Put a card from your hand onto your deck.
Cellar Base Action 2 +1 Action
Discard any number of cards, then draw that many.
Chapel Base Action 2 Trash up to 4 cards from your hand.
Council Room Base Action 5 +4 Cards
+1 Buy
Each other player draws a card.
Militia Base Action - Attack 4 +2 Coins
Each other player discards down to 3 cards in hand.
Remodel Base Action 4 Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to 2 Coins more than it.
Sentry Base Action 5 +1 Card
+1 Action
Look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Trash and/or discard any number of them. Put the rest back on top in any order.
Throne Room Base Action 4 You may play an Action card from your hand twice.
Village Base Action 3 +1 Card
+2 Actions
Workshop Base Action 3 Gain a card costing up to 4 Coins.